Notice of HBHA AGM - Monday 3rd December 2018 - 6.30 pm
HBHA Club House - McFie Park Tavistock Street Torquay Hervey Bay QLD 4655
Election of Management Committee (only)
Nomination forms available from the Secretary - 0409659199 or from the canteen. Nominations must be in writing 14 days prior to the AGM - 19th November 2018 either by hand or post to The Secretary HBHA P.O. Box 72 Hervey Bay QLD 4655
HBHA Club House - McFie Park Tavistock Street Torquay Hervey Bay QLD 4655
Election of Management Committee (only)
Nomination forms available from the Secretary - 0409659199 or from the canteen. Nominations must be in writing 14 days prior to the AGM - 19th November 2018 either by hand or post to The Secretary HBHA P.O. Box 72 Hervey Bay QLD 4655